Spiritual Energy Exchange

Disclaimer: This article was written as a way for me to try to understand and explain a complex system within the limitations of human ideas and language. It helps to not interpret it too literally and to understand that it is merely an interpretation of something I can scarcely hold in my mind from my own point of view.

Everything has energy in a spiritual sense. This energy sustains us and bonds us all together. All of the many types of spiritual energies all come from the same source, but each has its own frequency or rate of vibration. Everything in existence interacts with this energy, forming an extremely complex network of energy movement.

Energy Types

The easiest way to identify the various types of spiritual energies is to associate each of them with an emotion. The emotion each is associated with is the one that it most commonly invokes in a person who is exposed to that energy. Some examples of the more powerful energies are love, fear and desire. Each of these energies has multiple variants, but the variants of a given type of energy are all very close together in the overall energy spectrum.

The spectrum has pure love on one end and pure fear on the other, with desire in the middle. There are a number of variations of each along the way. For example: hatred, anger, greed and envy are some of the main ones between fear and desire. Lust and admiration are examples that fall between desire and love.

(I might make a diagram of the spectrum sometime to visualize it better. If I do, I will update this post with it.)

Energy Interaction Roles

There are many different ways in which an entity might interact with spiritual energy. I will attempt to describe each of the energy interaction roles that I am aware of. I am sure that I am missing some and my understanding of some of them may be incomplete or inaccurate, so take it as you will.

Keep in mind that these roles apply to everything from inanimate objects to “living” people. Also, I made up the following names based on the meanings of the words in other contexts (either that or I obtained the names subconsciously). When I refer to network levels, higher means closer to the source and lower means farther from the source.

Generator: An entity which draws energy from a consumer in the next higher level in the network and emits it into its own network level.

Producer: An entity which draws energy from a collector in the next lower level of the network and emits it into its own network level.

Consumer: An entity which draws energy from its own network level and channels it down to a generator in the next lower level of the network.

Collector: An entity which draws energy from its own network level and channels it up to a producer in the next higher level of the network.

Repeater: An entity which draws energy from other entities on its own level of the network and emits it back out on the same level.

Relay: An entity which draws energy from other entities on its own level of the network and directly passes the energy along to other entities on the same level. Relays are similar to repeaters but have more well defined connection points.

Transformer: An entity which draws energy from other entities on its own level, modifies it, then emits a different type of energy back out on the same level.

Converter: An entity which draws energy from other entities on its own level, modifies it, then directly passes the modified energy along to other entities on the same level. Converters are similar to transformers but have more well defined connection points.

Reserve: An entity which stores excess energies from nearby in the network for redistribution in a low energy portion of the network. Reserves are usually connected to each other either directly or through relays or converters.

(I would love to make some diagrams of the interactions between the roles sometime. If I do, I will update this post with them.)

It is important to understand that a single entity can change roles depending on their current ability to fill a different role and the need of the network. An entity is by no means locked into a single role indefinitely. This adaptive behavior is a major contributor to why the network as a whole works so well and does not suffer large scale outages.

Entity Attunement

In addition to each entity having a certain role or function in the network, they also have attunements to certain types of energies (mentioned above). Some entities are strongly attuned to a specific type of energy, while others are attuned to multiple types of energy, but not as strongly. Also, an entity may have a different input attunement than output attunement in the case of a Transformer or a Converter.

The more attuned an entity is to a certain energy type, the more easily that energy will flow through them. Entities can usually also process energies nearby on the spectrum, but not as easily or efficiently as the energy they are most attuned to.

Energy Exchanges

Energy is constantly moving around the network. Each entity maintains a certain level of energy, but that energy is always being refreshed as new energy moves in and old energy moves out.

A healthy entity maintains a balanced flow of energy that synergizes with other nearby entities. A single energy exchange satiates the consuming entity and relieves the producing entity, leaving both feeling better afterwards. An entity should never take more than is needed or give more than is available.

An unhealthy or damaged entity can disrupt the entities around it by either drawing too much energy or releasing too much energy, therefore interrupting flow. The purpose of the Reserve entity role is to rebalance the network around unhealthy entities as they (hopefully) heal. Entities most often get into this state when they are attuned to a specific type of energy and it is not available to them for a period of time, causing starvation and desperation.

2 thoughts on “Spiritual Energy Exchange

  1. Crystal Post author

    By the way, I am currently in the role of a Transformer that is attuned to lust (especially sexual) input and love output.

  2. James Scoggin

    I can do the exchange with 3 different women….all 3 I have loved, we visit, we have sex we cry..when they feel excited, horney, sad….i feel it and they feel me, Please talk to me about all this, it’s hard to put it in prospective and i want to be responsible with it….it’s so intimate, i cant stop, nor do i want to, i want to understand it, i’m getting stronger and more precise with the transfer…any exchange of info would be greatly appreciated…Thanks, James


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